New Blog

1 minute read

    I’m going to try to finally blog for real this time. I’m not really sure what all this blog will entail, but mostly my interest and random thoughts. Writing is something I enjoy, and it wouldn’t be bad to have an online collection of thoughts I wouldn’t mind sharing with the world. I can post up pieces of art here as well that I may not want to just get lost in social media photo uploads, but have a place to exist on the internet on their own.

    I’ve been finding myself writing a lot of things that don’t really seem like good social media posts anymore. I do my best at times to try to keep those things brief since interest are hard to keep in that space. If someone wants to sit back and read a bit more, perhaps not having all the distractions of social media next to my words would help. I blogged quit a bit in my younger days, especially the early days of college. It something I used to enjoy. I journal now but those topics are mostly personal, sometimes however I have thoughts in there that I might want to share.

    I think this will be the space for those thoughts. I’m not really trying to do anything too serious here, just a hobby that I can express myself through. I want to get back into writing a bit more, I’ve been told numerous times in life that I should write a book. So I figure writing some blog posts will just get me in the writing mood from time to time, if I’m lucky that will develop into something more. If not at I’ll be having fun doing something I enjoy.

If you’ve made it this far:

Welcome to the blog.